$650,000 Spent on Drainage

Polk county, Minn., has expended $650,074.29 for drainage ditches.  This amount has been expended in the construction of 69 ditches, three of which were judicial ditches, and in connection with these just Polk county’s share has been figured in the grand total.

The tile drainage could not be successfully carried on until the main drainage ditches had been constructed in order to give an outlet, but during the coming two years, a vast amount of tile drainage work will be done.

The expenditure of two-thirds of a million dollars by Polk county compares very favorably with the $1,000,000 which Geo. A. Ralph, engineer of the state drainage board, estimates the state has expended for drainage during the past two years in the biennial report which he is now preparing for submission to the forthcoming session of the state legislature.  Polk county has a more complete drainage system than any other county in the northern part of the state, and so satisfactory are the results that the system will be complete within a very few years.


Brick and Clay Record
Volume XXX, Number 1, January 1909
Kenfield-Leach Company, Chicago, IL
Page 46