BUYS OAKES’ INTEREST.  Ernest H. Sellhorn Enters Into Partnership With A. W. Woodcock.  Ernest H. Sellhorn has purchased W. H. Oakes’ interest in the Woodcock & Oakes’ brick yard at Brickton and entered into partnership with Mr. Woodcock on January 1.  The firm is now running under the name of Woodcock & Sellhorn.  Ernest Sellhorn had been in the employ of Woodcock & Oakes for seventeen years and during the whole of that time he faithfully performed his duty.  Commencing when a mere boy in the business he gradually worked his way up until he became superintendent of the yards.  Implicit confidence was placed in him by his employers and they never had occasion to regret it, for Mr. Sellhorn is familiar with every detail of the business and used his knowledge to the benefit of the firm.  Then, again, he saved his money, and when an opportunity presented itself purchased the interest of Mr. Oakes.  Mr. Woodcock is exceptionally well pleased to secure Mr. Sellhorn as a partner and the Union is glad to chronicle his success, for it knows that he has worked hard to attain the aim of his ambition and that he is well deserving of the result.  (The Princeton Union, Mille Lacs County, Minnesota, Thursday, January 16, 1908, Volume XXXII, Number 4, Page 1)

Increasing Demand for Brick.  Ernest Sellhorn and A. W. Woodcock were in Minneapolis on business Monday.  Mr. Sellhorn says that orders for brick are coming in lively now and that the demand is steadily increasing at all the yards.  This means the employment of a larger force of men at Brickton next season.  Last season the force was cut in two in consequence of the large quantity of brick on hand.  There is no better quality of brick to be obtained anywhere than that manufactured by the yards at Brickton.  (The Princeton Union, Mille Lacs County, Minnesota, Thursday, December 17, 1908, Volume XXXII, Number 52, Page 1)